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Looking Back on Last Week's Fortunes As we start the new week, it's worth taking a moment to reflect on the events of the past seven days and consider how our fortunes have been affected. Here's a summary of last week's horoscopes: Aries: You faced some unexpected challenges last week, but your resilience and determination helped you overcome them. Keep that attitude up as you move forward. Taurus: The week started slow for you, but things picked up mid-week with a surprise opportunity for success. Stay focused and keep pushing forward. Gemini: Communication was key for you last week, and you found yourself in some challenging conversations. Keep in mind that honesty and clear communication will serve you well. Cancer: It was a busy week for you, with lots of responsibilities to juggle. Take some time this week to recharge and get organized for what's ahead. Leo: You found yourself in the spotlight last week and made an impression on others. Keep up that charisma, as it could lead to new opportunities. Virgo: You faced some unexpected financial hurdles last week, but remained calm and found a way to manage the situation. This week, focus on your long-term financial goals. Libra: Your social life was bustling last week, but don't let it distract you from your responsibilities. Prioritize your time and stay focused. Scorpio: You dealt with some emotional challenges last week, but your intuition and introspection helped you overcome them. Keep that self-awareness up as you move forward. Sagittarius: It was a productive week for you, where you accomplished a lot. This week, take some time to celebrate your successes and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Capricorn: You made some important decisions last week that will have a long-lasting impact. This week, stay committed to your choices and trust in your instincts. Aquarius: You faced some unexpected challenges in your career last week, but your creativity and innovative thinking helped you find solutions. Keep that mindset as you continue to advance. Pisces: You had to make some sacrifices last week, but ultimately it was for the greater good. This week, focus on self-care and taking care of yourself both mentally and physically. As we face the new week ahead, let's take these insights into consideration and use them to guide our actions and decision-making. May this week bring us all good fortune and success!


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