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Libra Female: A Balanced and Just Personality The Libra female is known for her balanced and just personality. Born between September 23 and October 22, she is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. This makes her a natural born romantic, who values peace and harmony in her relationships. She is incredibly charming and charismatic, and has a way of putting people at ease with her gentle nature. One of the defining characteristics of the Libra female is her ability to see both sides of an issue. She values fairness and justice, and always makes decisions based on what is best for everyone involved. This means she can often be indecisive, as she weighs the pros and cons and considers all the possible outcomes. However, once she has made up her mind, she is committed to her decision and will stand by it. In addi「分析更多 星座性格分析内容请关注 :星座街,wWw.xIngzuoJIe.cC]tion to her sense of justice, the Libra female is also known for her love of beauty. She has an eye for aesthetics and appreciates the finer things in life, whether it be art, music, or fashion. She is often drawn to careers in the creative industries, where she can express her artistic talent and eye for design. Despite her charming personality, the Libra female can be sensitive and prone to indecision. She values her relationships deeply and can become upset if she feels she has been unjustly treated. However, she has a strong sense of inner strength and resilience, and is able to bounce back from setbacks with grace and dignity. Overall, the Libra female is a valuable asset to any social or professional setting. Her sense of fairness and justice, combined with her artistic talent and charming personality, make her a natural leader who is able to bring people together and inspire them to achieve their goals.


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