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双鱼座取英文名字(双鱼座好听的英文名字 女孩)

As a Pisces: Choosing an English Name Choosing an English name is a common practice among those who are learning or using English as a second language. For many non-native English speakers, an English name is easier to pronounce and remember than their given name. As a Pisces, I had difficulty choosing an English name that truly represents me. Pisces is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, symbolizing their dual nature. Pisces tend to be compassionate, imaginative, and intuitive. They are known for their creativity and sensitivity, but also for being indecisive and easily influenced by others. All of these traits make it challenging to choose an English name that accurately reflects the depth and complexity of a Pisces personality. I initially chose the name “Ava” because it sounded soft and feminine, which I felt represented my sensitive and caring side. However, as I started using this name more frequently, I began to notice that it didn’t feel quite right. It didn’t capture the depth and complexity of my personality and lacked the creativity that is inherent in a Pisces. After some research and introspection, I finally settled on the name “Ariel.” As a Pisces, I resonate with Ariel’s sense of adventure, curiosity, and longing for something more. Her name means “lion of God,” which makes me feel empowered and strong. Additionally, the name Ariel is associat{阅读更多 12生肖知识常识请关注 :立花星座生肖网,wWw.IlihUA.CC』】ed with the ocean, which reflects the Pisces’ water element and imaginative nature. Choosing an English name as a Pisces may be challenging, but it is important to find a name that truly represents who we are. It should capture our dual nature, creativity, and sensitivity, while also empowering us to be strong and independent. Whether it’s Ava, Ariel, or any other name, it’s important to choose a name that feels authentic and true to ourselves.


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