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Who is Pisces? Pisces is the astrological sign representing those born between February 19th to March 20th. People born under this sign are often known for their imaginative and empathetic nature. Symbolized by two fishes swimming in opposite directions, Pisceans are known for their unique way of seeing the world. They are often very intuitive and imaginative, and are creative thinkers who enjoy exploring the realms of the unknown. With a deep sense of empathy, Pisceans are quick to connect with others, and they often have a great understanding of human emotions. As water signs, Pisceans are highly intuitive, emotional, and sensitive. They are often kno〔推荐更多 宝宝取名文章请关注 :星座取名网,wWW.IXIngZuo.Cc』】wn for their deep understanding of others and their ability to connect with them on a deep level. Pisceans can be dreamers, and they enjoy exploring new ideas and philosophies. They are often artistic and enjoy expressing themselves through music, writing, or other creative outlets. On the other hand, Pisceans can also be moody and introspective. They are prone to shifting mood swings and may find it difficult to express themselves at times. Their deep emotional wells can also make them vulnerable, and they may find it difficult to trust others. Overall, Pisceans are complex individuals who are often misunderstood. They possess a deep empathy for others and a unique perspective on the world around them. Although they may be sensitive and introspective, they are also creative and imaginative, and their unique insight can contribute greatly to the world around them.


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