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The Crab: A Gentle Water Sign As the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer is represented by the Crab in English and French, and by a number of different animals in other cultures. However, the Crab is a fitting symbol for this emotional and sensitive water sign, which is ruled by the Moon and associated with the home, family, and memories. People born between June 21 and July 22 are classified as Cancers, and they are often described as caring, nurturing, and empathetic individuals. They are said to have a strong intuition and a deep understanding of other people's feelings, which makes them great listeners and friends. On the other hand, Cancers can also be moody, clingy, and overly protective, especially when they feel threatened or insecure. One of the strengths of Cancers is their ability to create a cozy and comfortable environment, whether it's their own home or a shared space. They are known for their love of cooking, decorating, and collecting sentimental objects, which reflect their sentimental nature and attachment to the past. Cancers are also loyal and devoted partners, who value trust and commitment above all. Another hallmark of Cancers is their emotional depth and creativity. They are often drawn to artistic and spiritual pursuits, such as music, poetry, painting, and meditation. Cancers have a vivid imagination and a rich inner world that they like to explore and express through various forms of self-expression. They are also good at bringing people together and fostering a sense of community and belonging. However, Cancers can sometimes struggle with their own emotions and insecurities, which can lead to mood swings, anxiet{ %浏览更多 十二星座运势知识关注 :111星座网,Www.111dK.COm )〕y, and self-doubt. They may also have a tendency to avoid confrontation or assertiveness, and instead rely on passive-aggressive behavior or manipulation to get their way. This can create tension and resentment in their relationships, and cause them to feel isolated or misunderstood. Overall, Cancers are complex and multi-faceted individuals, who value connection, creativity, and comfort. They have a soft shell that protects their inner world, but also makes them vulnerable to hurt and rejection. If you have a Cancer in your life, be sure to show them love, appreciation, and respect, and they will repay you with their warmth, kindness, and generosity.


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