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As A Gemini: Changing My Love for English As a Gemini, I have always been known to have an insatiable interest in learning new things and exploring various topics. One of the things I have always been passionate about is the English language- its vocabulary, grammar, and nuances. However, as time passed, I realized that my love for English had become stagnant and repetitive. I found myself『了解更多 每日星座运势内容请关注 :奇运网,WWw.iQiyUn.Cc』〗 using the same phrases and words over and over again, without exploring the vastness of the language. This realization prompted me to change my love for English. I started reading more literature, immersing myself in the works of different authors from various parts of the world. I also began watching more movies and TV shows in English, exposing myself to new slang and expressions. I even started writing more, challenging myself to use new words and creative phrases. These changes have not only made me appreciate the beauty of the English language even more but have also expanded my understanding of different cultures and societies. It has also made me more confident in expressing my thoughts and ideas in English. As a Gemini, I thrive on change and innovation. Changing my love for English has allowed me to open up new possibilities and explore new perspectives. I believe that this thirst for knowledge and growth is what makes life worth living, and my love for English now reflects that.


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