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The Mythology of Aries In Greek mythology, the zodiac sign of Aries is associated with the powerful figure of the ram. According to legend, the god Hermes disguised himself as a golden-fleece ram in order to save two children from a treacherous king. The king, fearful of a prophecy that his own grandchild would one day overthrow him, had ordered that all newborn boys in the kingdom be killed. However, before the king's soldiers could reach the children, Hermes emerged as the ram and snatched them up, carrying them to safety. Another story involving the Aries zodiac sign tells of the god Apollo's confrontation with a dragon named Python. In the battle, Apollo managed to slay the dragon, but he came away with a bloody wound. In honor of this epic battle, the god created a new constellation in the night sky, the constellation of Aries. The fiery energy and strength of the mythical ram were said to embody the qualities of Apollo himself. In addition to these tales, Aries is also often linked with the god Mars. Known as the Roman god of war, Mars was said to be a fierce and hot-headed character who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals. This association with martial prowess can also be seen in the modern interpretation of the Aries zodiac sign, which is often thought of as a representation of boldness and courage. One of the most interesting things about the mythology of Aries is the way it incorporates both the themes of strength and vulnerability. The ram is a powerful and intimidating creature, but it is also one that is easily overcome by hunters and predators. Likewise, people born under the sign of Aries are often characterized by a strong exterior and a fierce determination to succeed, but they can also be sensitive and vulnerable at times. Overall, the mythology of Aries is a rich and complex tapestry that weaves together a range of different themes and characters from Greek and Roman mythology. Through these stories and legends, we can gain a deeper understanding of the unique qualities and characteristics that define people born under the sign of the Ram.


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